November 14, 2017, by postleadadmin
4 Ways to Boost Your Direct Mail Response Rates

Have your direct mail response rates been a bit lackluster or just flat-out disappointing? You don't have to settle for less than stellar results when it comes to the responses that you receive from the hard work that you've put into your direct mailings. You can actually boost your current direct mail response rates by incorporating a few tactics that we'd like to share from you from Postlead. Postlead is a new kind of technology that will help you to increase your direct mail response rates to conversions that are much more to your liking.
Make Your Mailing Campaign Personal
Personalize your message to the point that each prospect feels as if they are the only person who could be receiving a message like the one that they just received from you. This is a lot easier to do when you put a little bit of research into figuring out the habits, interests, and behaviors of your prospects. Figure out what it is that really grabs their attention, and use it. Call them by their name, use the proper salutation, and then create a message that hits home for them in some personal and meaningful way.
Get Them to Act with a Strong Call to Action
Make your direct mail message interactive and engaging for your prospects. We live in a time now where most people spend hours on their smartphones, tablets, computers, and just surfing the internet. You can use interactive technology as a part of your direct mailing strategy in order to engage your prospects. For instance, you can use QR codes and scan mailers on postcards in order to get them to see some type of interactive link that goes along with your direct mail campaign.
Follow Up, with Your Prospects Discreetly
You don't have to reach back out to your prospects right away, but it does help to make a note of who has been contacting you directly through your direct mailing campaign. You should also have a way of following up with people who have been reacting to your message in more indirect ways such as visiting your website, clicking on your landing page, and even leaving shopping carts or orders inactive without going through with a purchase.
Track and Analyze Everything
This takes the follow up method a bit further, but it is very helpful to have an automated direct mail dashboard like the one we offer to our clients at Postlead. Using this tool allows you to get a more in-depth look at what's been going on in your mailing campaign. You can look at the responses that you've received all in one place. This tool also helps you to determine what has been successful and what hasn't been so successful with your current campaign strategy.
You can boost your direct mail response rate if you are willing to put in the work, and we know that you want to get better responses from your prospects. This is why we offer so many options for you to work with us at Postlead so that we can help to provide the best possible service to your business.
Contact us today.